This is the man that sits at the head of the table, representing all of
America. Is this really what you want leading America? I just can not
sit here and believe that
51% of America would want
this type of leadership at the head of the table leading America for
another four years. We have had four years of lies deceit and a deficit
that has sky rocketed to
16 trillion dollars and which will balloon to
$20 trillion if this
Islamic Sympathizer is re-elected. The one certainty of four more years of
Obama will
be the collapse of the United States of America, the once greatest
nation on the planet. How anyone can support this radical extremist is
far beyond my comprehension ability.
Obama rants about fiscal responsibility, and that “WE The People”
Should dump our SUV’S and buy his European looking electric cars. I can
see a Rancher pulling a 25 foot goose neck trailer in a tiny electric
pickup truck…ha! He continues to tell us we need to cut back on our
expenses. While all along his wife is given a
yearly taxpayer funded $4,000 per month clothing allowance ($48,000 per year) so that she can buy up her $20,000 gowns. This is compared to the $1,500 per month previous First Ladies received.
Fiscal responsibility you say,
$48,000 is
more money than most American families have to live on, which includes,
mortgages, groceries, doctor bills, car payments clothes and all the
necessary staples that one needs to run their household, and Michelle
Obama receives $48,000 a year to buy clothes, The Obama’s have been paid
a total of $192,000 for 4 years worth of clothes; that is an abuse of
taxpayer money.
What makes this abuse so egregious is the fact that Back Hussein net
worth is $11.8 million dollars, and his wife drains the American
Taxpayer out of yearly $48,000 clothing allowance, and of course Barack
Hussein Obama sucks up another $400,000 a year salary, for a combined
total of $592,000 dollars in taxpayer money to a man who is worth
$400,000, why does he not donate that money to charity like Mitt Romney
does…why is that Barack, can you answer that? That is what I thought.
We have focused on ridding the United States of the
CANCEROUS TUMOR that has attached itself to our country,
Barack Hussein Obama
but we have failed in part by not focusing on Obama’s wife.
who is like her husband in many respects, they are CANCER and together
they are draining America of it’s once proud and powerful standing in
the world. They need to be booted from the White House, we have only one
chance to correct the error of four years past.
Michelle Obama attended Princeton University where she created her
graduating thesis paper. Media requests to view the documents during
Barack’s presidential campaign were denied. The university stated
suspiciously that it would be available to the public after the general
election and for good reason. Michelle identifies with black militancy,
utterly obsessed with race in America and her own blackness. Mrs Obama
has made the following quotes;
“I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal
and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be
toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really
don’t belong. Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact
with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always
be black first and a student second.”
“ Attending Princeton has probably forced [black alumni] to compete
intellectually with Whites more than with Blacks and, thus, they have
probably become more familiar with Whites intellectually, but in other
activities they are likely to have gained familiarity with Whites if
they did not spend time with Whites in other activities besides
intellectual ones”
Attending Princeton has probably forced [black alumni] to compete
intellectually with Whites more than with Blacks and, thus, they have
probably become more familiar with Whites intellectually, but in other
activities they are likely to have gained familiarity with Whites if
they did not spend time with Whites in other activities besides
intellectual ones.
Not only does Mrs. Obama separate black and white societies in America, but she ELEVATES BLACK over white in her world. Her attitude explains the very reason she felt comfortable attending Rev. Jeremiah Wright‘s black liberation theology church for twenty years. Read the full thesis here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Source)
Friends, we are in dire danger of losing our country, should Obama be
re-elected, this country will be destroyed right before our eyes. It
has already started, Obama has in place the dismantling of our Military.
He is reducing the size that will make it almost impossible to defend
our borders and our National Security interests abroad. Remember the
private message he wanted sent to
Russian President Putin,
a hot microphone picked Obama’s remark Obama caught on mic telling
Medvedev to give US ‘space’ on nuclear issue, that he would be more
FLEXIBLE after his election. That is TREASONOUS, Obama selling out America. Is that who we need leading this country….
HELL NO it is not.
Now jump forward to September 11 2012, and the Benghazi assault on
our embassy. Obama knew the truth within 1 to 2 hours, Obama had the
audacity after knowing the truth and knowing that Ambassador Stevens was
being MURDERED along with the other Americans, he hopped on his
Airplane and went to Las Vegas for a fund raiser. Knowing full well that
while he was sitting on his ass on board of Air Force 1, the Ambassador
and 3 brave Americans were being Murdered. That takes one
COLD BLOODED SON OF A BITCH. Excuse my language, but that alone is reason enough to kick his ass out of the White House.
To top off this charade Obama sent his United Nations Ambassador
Susan Rice to 5 news interviews and Obama had her lie and blame some
stupid video that allegedly offended the Muslim population. That
action, in my book EXPOSES Obama for who he really is, an
Radical Islamic Sympathizer.
That is want I would call
TRANSFORMATION. Obama mocks Mitt
Romney’s economic plan as a plan that does not add up. Well Hussein,
your math adds up to. The plan Obama is offering is quite simple, he
has been using it for the past four years, blame GEORGE BUSH, demonize
Mitt Romney and personally attack Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Obama on
the other hand presenting absolutely NOTHING that would rescue America
from collapse.
Just listen to the video, is this what you want in a
leader, someone who needs a teleprompter to give a press conference. If
this is the leader you want, God Bless you.
Now lets take a look at the
NATIONAL DEBT here is the
LINK to a year by year day by day since the
one took office January 20, 2009. If you want to say Transformation,
Obama has TRANSFORMED the United States by the ballooning our National
Debt our debt to an unsustainable amount, that will no doubt collapse
our nation sooner than later. Yet Obama criticizes Romney for putting
forward a plan, something that Obama has failed to do in his 4 years in
office. In the above
LINK TO THE NATIONAL DEBT, enter the following
01/20/2009 to 10/31/2012 and you will get the complete day by day national debt since Obama has been in office.)
Obama now feels the heat from a very intelligent man who knows how to run a business, someone who has
balanced a budget,
Governor Romney,
of Massachusetts presided over a series of spending cuts and increases
in fees that eliminated a $1.5 billion deficit in 4 years, well a $1.5
billion deficit is not a 16 trillion deficit one might say. That is very
true, however Romney eliminated the deficit and he had a plan, a plan
that Obama insists that does not add up. In my way of thinking, if he
eliminated $1.5 billion deficit he must of had a plan……Right, Romney
knows what to do, and I believe he can do it.
I will GIVE Obama the benefit of the doubt on the
10 Trillion deficit that he inherited from President Bush, after his 8 year term. However, the
DEFICIT clock started ticking on January 21, 2009. It is all Obama from the 21st of January to present day.
Waging a desperate campaign to maintain the presidency, President Obama has completed his project of diminishing it to nothing.
The presidency, an ailing patient for much of Obama’s term, was
finally disconnected from life support with the release by the Obama
campaign last week of a video comparing a vote for the president with premarital sex by a virgin.
It was the latest and most stupefying of a series of disgraceful
moments we’ve witnessed in recent days.The
president called his opponent a “bullshitter” during an interview with
Rolling Stone magazine; He stood at the podium of a campaign rally,
beside himself in a juvenile state of amusement as he mocked Gov. Mitt
Romney for having “Romnesia” that he said could be cured under
Obamacare; and he has avoided his own press corps while appearing on The
Tonight Show, MTV, and The View, frivolous venues that a short while
ago would have been considered beneath the president, or at least rare
exceptions to the rule that a president does serious things.
The desecration of the presidency under Obama has been methodical and obvious.
We’ve watched Obama literally – not figuratively – bow to foreign
leaders, chew gum at the ASEAN Summit and elsewhere, inhabit the Oval
Office in Casual Friday outfits, put his feet up on every piece of
furniture in sight – historic or not – host entertainers in the
Situation Room, and wonder aloud “whose ass to kick.” Meanwhile, his
wife stages potato sack races in the East Room and his vice president
suggests Republicans will put African Americans back in chains and
giggles through his debate with GOP vice president Paul Ryan, But the
Obama campaign video in which a smug young woman insouciantly proclaims
her sexual immorality is what finally stripped the presidency of its own
Obama and Biden proclaim themselves deeply religious, but it’s
hard to imagine, if such a commercial is acceptable to them, what altar
they are worshiping at.
We are not a society where a lot of people wait until marriage to
have sex. Some don’t even wait for true love. But we at least still try
to be discreet about our surrender to our primal desires, given the
horrendous consequences – for women in particular – of society’s choice
to untether sex from marriage and love.
Read Complete Article
This president does not deserve another term, he has done nothing but
embarrass the United States, he has bowed before Muslim Kings, and
sympathizes with Islamic Radicals, as we all saw the day that our
Benghazi embassy was attacked. He refused to called it a terror attack,
refused calls for help not once, not twice, but three times. He still
refuses to retaliate, even though the identities of the terrorist are
known. Obama still refuses to call a terrorist a terrorist, that
behavior is treasonous and Obama should be impeached. However, nothing
will be done and the main stream media continues to sell out America to
their DADDY Obama, they are all Obamabots, they deserve each other.
It is up to us to change the direction this country is headed, this
is the most important election in our history. Do you want to be reduced
to NOTHING, as this Muslim Sympathizer wants, or do we want our country
back? I know what I want.
God Bless You and may God Bless our Country.