Friday, March 30, 2012

When Is Enough, Enough………NOW!

When Is Enough, Enough………NOW!

What else is left for the White House to say, after everyone in the free world heard Hussein Obama committing treason on 26 Monday 2012 while talking with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Hussein Obama virtually guaranteed to Medvedev that he has his November election in the bag.

Does Hussein Obama really believe that his election is in the bag? That is good attitude for Obama, “the ego in a suit” to maintain. What must our European allies being thinking now that Hussein Obama has sold the European Allies down the toilet as well.
“Next month will mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, to commemorate the event, the Hussein Obama administration will continue it’s plan to sink the American economy.”
“Also of interest, Sweden is moving towards a cashless society-with Hussein Obama’s economic policy, the United States is Almost A Cashless Society.”

I certainly believe that it the European block as a whole, the ones that missile defense is aimed at protecting, must raise all kinds of HELL. It is apparent that no one in the United States is going to say anything. Congress is to busy doing what?

You couple the open mic incident with Medvedev along with Hussein Obama’s complete betrayal of Israel with the leaking sensitive military information; you have a picture of the first legally elected TRAITOR sitting in the White House. 

Israel, in my opinion, should conduct an independent investigation into this incident if they feel that what Hussein Obama did was a breech of sensitive military information; I am sure they are not happy. The agency who would certainly conduct this investigation would most likely be Israel’s Mossad. I feel relatively sure an investigation will take place, the good part about it, no one will ever know the Mossad was even around, no one that is accept Hussein Obama.

“I’m pretty sure the Cold War ended when some of the folks in this room were still in elementary school, and any suggestion that Russia is America’s No. 1 geopolitical foe represents a unique understanding of recent history,” spokesman Jay Carney said wryly.

Now of course the White House on Thursday accused Republicans criticizing President Barack Obama over his candid but caught-on-tape comments to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev like presidential front-runner Mitt Romney and House Speaker John Boehner of having an outdated “Cold War” mindset and said Obama would happily fight for his policy through the election.

Is this how Hussein Obama plans on defending his treasonous behavior, his lackadaisical attitude of America and of our allies, by blaming the Republicans for Obama opening his fat mouth.? Why should he care, he is a closet Muslim and his beliefs are now glaring. So with Hussein Obama now showing his loyalties with mother Russia, the Russian media has had this to say:
MOSCOW (AP) – Russia and the United States need to do their “homework” on the technicalities of a proposed NATO missile defense shield in order to settle a dispute that has strained relations, the U.S. State Department’s top arms control official said Friday.

The U.S. insists the shield is needed to fend off an Iranian missile threat, but Moscow has rejected those assurances and voiced concern that it will eventually grow powerful enough to challenge Russia’s nuclear deterrent.
Acting Undersecretary of State Rose Gottemoeller said Russian and U.S. technical experts should meet to discuss the shield’s specifics.
She said such talks should prove that Russia and the U.S. can cooperate on the shield and “that the technical capabilities of the system are simply not those that would undermine Russian strategic offensive forces.” source
So now Russia and United States must do their homework, is that a better way of saying you need to share all of the secrets to missile defense? Yes it is, because Hussein Obama said so, we all heard him. That in my opinion is treason, as lined out in the United States Constitution, article III Section III and Article II Section IV; you need to go no further.

Article III Sec III -Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Article II Sec IV-The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Asked whether Obama would welcome the chance to take on his critics, Carney told reporters: “At any time—and whether that happens within the context of the election, or in a foreign policy forum somewhere, or in answer to questions from you I’m sure that he’ll welcome that opportunity.”
I am sure he will be welcomed to answer critics; he has most of the main stream media agencies, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC in his pocket, and they are not going to challenge their messiah.
Just listen to them, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.”

Chris Matthews is another man who is truly in love with Obama, and probably wets himself whenever Hussein Obama speaks, and why not Obama and Matthews are students of the late Saul Alinsky. So you wonder why nothing is ever said, they all sleep in the same bed.  You do remember the late Saul Alinsky don’t you. He wrote the book, “Rules for Radicals” in the book Alinsky dedicated a portion of the book to who he calls the first radical, “LUCIFER”, yes SATAN, THE DEVIL So now you can get a little better grip on why at least Chris Matthews is in love with Obama, they have the same “Mentor”.

I am not saying all of the MSM (mainstream media) have Saul Alinsky as their mentor, but who knows. There is quote I like to refer to in times like this, when one is trying to “define’ who he is as a person….The quote is in Spanish but I will translate. “Dime con quien te juntas, y te digo quien eras.” Translation, “Tell me who hang out with, and I will tell you who you are.”   There is so much truth behind that quote,  had we the people paid any amount of attention to who Obama hung out with, then maybe Obama would not be president.

Friends, we are in a world of hurt, if this knucklehead is re-elected it’s over. I have said this so many times, and I will will continue until Obama is defeated. We have one chance and one chance only of saving our NATION, saving the Nation left to us by the founding fathers, and fought for by our Military, saving freedoms, the very freedoms Hussein Obama is trying to strip away. It is up to us.
You have seen just the tip of the iceberg there will be more to come. I have the utmost confidence in the bloggers out there, they will come through, I pray that they do.
God Bless

1 comment:

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Truly, this is no great shock.

This is, actually, in keeping with what one would expect of Mr Obama.

I submit this, however:

Should Mr Obama actually achieve his second term, we as a country have NO IDEA as to the extent of the BETRAYAL that will occur, when Mr Obama has to answer to NO ONE and his true thoughts and COLORS may actually out.

And, oh, then the gloves will SO come off.