The Six Weeks That Saved America
reading my resources for articles of interest, I read the article which I
posted below in its entirety. It is plain and simple and it exposes Obama and
his administration for who he really is, a man who is hell bent on socializing
and destroying the United
States of America.
If in November we do not
stop this growing bacteria from a second term in office, bacteria will turn
into an infection that will literally suck the life out of our country. We will
be left with nothing but a dried out country that was once the Greatest Country
on the Planet
More than
any six weeks in recent memory, the events that transpired during the period
May 21 to June 28, 2012 confirmed the ingenuity and wisdom of the founders and
sealed the fate of an administration as well as of the American left. I firmly
believe most of the American people have finally come to their senses and
realize what Hussein Obama has done and is doing to this magnificent Nation
that "We the people call America, our home;the place where "We the
people can openly challenge the government without fears of reprisals."
Its Time For A Change |
That was
until Obama signed an Executive Order allowing the Secret Service to move any
protestors out of the sight and earshot of where the Obama will be speaking. If
this is not an infringement of our 1st amendment rights, nothing is. My
question is this; "Where in the hell is the ACLU"? they are always
filing lawsuits against the police for the same reason, infringing on someones
1st amendment rights.
I guess Obama gets a free doubt. We can
not continue to allow Hussein Obama to ride roughshod over America. Obama has
sinister reasons for dismantling the United States. Obama is in the
process of dismantling the United States
one step at a time...and if you have not had your head buried in a hole you
know his goal is to socialize America,
turn it into Europe type you can plainly see, things in Europe are not doing well at all.
Obama was energized by the ruling delivered by the SCOTUS, which said in part
that the ObamaCare was constitutional. In my first post after the ruling
I indicated I was extremely pissed off at Chief Justice Roberts for turning his
back on the conservatives. However I have changed my mind some
what. As in my post I indicated that what Roberts did was to EXPOSE
ObamaCare for what it really is...a bloated tax on the middle class.
Obama said that ObamaCare was not a tax; however, the Supreme court said that
the Government could not MANDATE Americans to buy health
insurance, but that it would be legal to call it a TAX, thereby Obama
care is CONSTITUTIONAL under a tax format.
The tax
will be the LARGEST TAX increase in the HISTORY of the United States of America.
The American people, especially the middle class will not tolerate such an
increase;and in my opinion, Hussein Obama will be run out of office.
That's just my opinion.
than any six weeks in recent memory, the events that transpired during the
period May 21 to June 28, 2012 confirmed the ingenuity and wisdom of the
founders and sealed the fate of an administration as well as of the American
left. The founders of the United States,
fearful of dictators and monarchs, were determined to diffuse power as much as
humanly possible. They knew, based on firsthand experience as well the
writings of men such as John Locke and his emphasis on the rights of property,
and Montesquieu and his theory of the separation of power, that only a
structure of government geared toward making it extraordinarily difficult for
any one person or group to fully seize the reins of governance could insure the
long-term survival of a nation. At the base and foundation of
their convoluted but ingenious pyramid, consisting of the federal government
(split into three parts) and the individual states and their governmental
prerogatives, were the people.
the past 220 years prior to 2008, the nation went through an evolutionary
process whereby the federal government was granted more power than was ever
envisioned by the founders. However, this has been, as the nation became
enormously prosperous, the will of the people in their desire to ensure the
welfare of all citizens. It was never the citizenry's intention to evolve
a monolithic, all-powerful central government controlling the day-to-day
affairs of every American. This is exactly what Hussein Obama wants to do,
and is attempting to do and if "we the people sit on our hands and do
NOTHING, then we deserve what we get.
I just do
not want to believe that we as Americans will allow anyone much less a
fraudulent President, just piss off all of the very freedoms that we fought and
died for throughout the years. Those very freedoms that we have, may
have kept Japan from invading our home lands, as they knew that almost
every household and family were armed with multiple weapons. The theory that
armed citizens kept Japan
from invading has been argued over the years; I am inclined to say that it is
true. However anyone that has the intestinal fortitude to try, is more
than welcomed to test the theory, you just might be a little surprised what
damage an extremely well armed militia could do.
the intention of American left, as personified by the ascendancy of Barack
Obama and his radical cohorts, is to establish this monolithic and omnipotent
entity. This has been their
singular goal since the 1930s, and in 2008 they thought their moment had
come. Thus the mad dash to pass legislation such as ObamaCare, setting up
the EPA as a bludgeon to enforce their green agenda, initiating a quasi-fascist
relationship with those in the private economy willing to pledge allegiance and
be subservient to the cause, and transforming the Justice Department among
other cabinet departments into the enforcement arm of their 1960s radicalism.
But on
the road to this utopian paradise a strange thing happened: the structure of
government and the most important document in the history of mankind, the
Constitution, written two-plus centuries ago, reared their respective heads,
sidetracking and dooming this agenda as well as its proponents.
The past
six weeks highlight this process. First, on May 21, 43 Catholic
bishops and institutions filed
a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services over
the contraception and abortifacient mandate issued in January forcing
the Church to violate its basic tenets and teachings. The Catholic
Church, normally supportive of liberal welfare causes, found itself in the
cross-hairs of a dictatorial mindset when it came to what the Obama regime and
the left dictates as required belief. The remedy: invoke the 1st
Amendment (freedom of religion) and file a lawsuit while making certain that
the public and Catholics throughout the country become informed and vote in
As a
further and ongoing example of the failed Obama socialist agenda, the May
employment situation report was released on June 1, showing an anemic 69,000
jobs being created, while the number of jobs reported in the two previous
months was revised downward. Nearly 20 million
Americans are now unemployed and looking for work. Further, on June 13,
the Conference Board revised
its estimate of Gross Domestic Product growth to 1.6% in the second quarter and
1.7% in the third quarter of the year -- considerably below the 3.5% necessary
to sustain economic growth and job-creation. Unlike the current regime,
the founders recognized that free enterprise unshackled by oppressive
government was the key to prosperity, and they reflected this in their writings
and founding documents.
On June
16, Barack Obama unilaterally
declared that HE would no longer enforce the immigration
laws on the books when it came to a designated and preferred class of
illegal immigrants. In a crass political move, he declared himself above
the law and someone with the assumed power to pick and choose which laws he
will enforce. This runs obscenely counter to the constitutional duties of
the office of president and is an action which creates and confirms the
suspicion that a person is imbued with a dictatorial; mindset, it speaks to a WARINESS
embedded in the American psyche, thanks to the founding fathers.
Obama invoked
executive privilege on June 20 in an effort to protect Attorney General
Eric Holder from having to turn over documents, apparently to avoid
incriminating the Obama regime, to the Congress. This entirely specious action was done solely to
avoid a potentially damaging political issue. The issue: why
did the administration deliberately arm the Mexican drug cartels, which
resulted in the death of hundreds of Mexicans and at least two American agents?
This matter would never have seen the light of day had not Congress been charged,
in the Constitution, with the oversight of the executive branch. Now the
people can judge and reach their own conclusions, particularly as more evidence
comes to light.
The next
fiasco to befall the administration occurred on June 25, when the
Supreme Court upheld a key provision in an Arizona law allowing
local law enforcement to ask someone for his citizenship papers if stopped on
the suspicion of a crime or misdemeanor. The reaction from the Obama
team: suspend all coordination with Arizona
regarding the arrest and deportation of illegal aliens in an overt flaunting of
existing statutes. The Supreme Court reaffirmed the sovereignty of the
individual states, a cornerstone of governmental structure of the country, but
Barack Obama does not intend to do any such thing, as he clearly wants the
states fully subservient to Washington,
culmination of this six-week period occurred on June 28. On that date,
the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare, as the legislation's penalty enforcing the
mandate to purchase insurance was recast as a tax, something Obama and his
minions vehemently denied and which the record of congressional debate confirms
-- but the argument was proffered nonetheless by the Obama administration
before the Supreme Court.
Regardless of the motives or lack thereof on
the part of Chief Justice Roberts or the potential precedent that may or may
not be set, the fact of the matter is that the curtain has been drawn back on
the hypocrisy, outright lies, and devious tactics that unfolded during the
entire process, as well as the unsustainable cost and loss of individual
liberty -- all of which Obama must now openly defends. The
constitutional process of judicial review, while arguably flawed, in this case
served a valuable purpose.
Later on June
28, in the House of Representatives, Eric Holder became the first
attorney general in American history to be cited for contempt of Congress, as
both he and the president apparently view themselves above accountability for
their actions in the Fast and Furious debacle. They will now be swallowed
up in the vortex created by their attempt to cover up their actions.
in such a short period of time have any president and his administration been
so damningly exposed. It is now
beyond any shadow of doubt that Barack Obama is a FRAUD , devoid
of any character and integrity, and is essentially a megalomaniac immersed in
radical ideology. This can no longer be hidden by the machinations of
the mainstream media, as there is now an opposition array of forces willing to
highlight and financially capable of highlighting these issues. Further,
and more importantly, these events occurred only four months prior to the
election, when the citizenry begins to pay serious attention.
In 2008,
little was known about Barack Obama, in 2012, still little is known about who
Obama really is. However, thanks to the genius of those men 236
years ago who were willing to sacrifice their lives to embrace a sacred honor,
he can no longer hide who he is or his agenda. The past six weeks have
sealed his fate, as American citizens concerned about the future of the nation
will turn out in massive numbers to vote in November. (Source)
the above surely exposes Hussein Obama for who he really is, a fraud who pulled
off the greatest scam in the history of America. If we most all unite
this November and rid America
of the leach that is sucking America
Can you
remember when Obama declared, that he will have the most TRANSPARENT
administration in History, well it is quite the opposite, Obama's
administration has become the most corrupt administration in history. We
used to joke how Mexico is
corrupt is, well Mexico
has nothing on the Obama administration.
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