I have always had the utmost respect for the Canadian Law Enforcement Officers as I have had the opportunity to work with them a couple of times during my career as a Police Officer. That said, I question someones common sense in this particular case. I just can not believe that any officer in their right frame of mind would have done gone as far as they did, before the even spoke with Mr. Sansone before the arrest, This case just does not make any sense at all.
A 4 year daughter dimes out her father! A four year old CHILD draws a picture with a crayon of her FATHER with a GUN, fending off the bad guys and MONSTERS. Subsequently to the arrest, Jessie Sansone’s was, strip-searched, and the Police held Sansone for hours, after which they PRESSURED, him to retroactively consent to their ransacking his house without a warrant. The BAD NEWS for Sansone was the Police found a weapon. The weapon turned out to be A Toy Gun.
I am so glad my son is all grown up, I can not tell you the countless times he drew me with crayons, depicting us at our hunting lease with all sorts of weapons. My 7mm magnum, my model 1911 .45 caliber, my Sig-Sauer .40 caliber my Winchester .30/30, my Weatherby Mark V Delux. You get the idea, I figure if I was in Canada, I would be locked up for life and 1 day. What is so shameful the only weapon found was a toy gun. Somebody some where checked their common sense in the lost and found, as Canada is still looking for it. This story is just to bizarre to have been made up.
(Examiner) Sansone, a father of four, said the picture was supposed to be of him getting "bad guys and monsters."The school, however, had a different opinion, and contacted the Family and Children's Services. When Sansone arrived to pick up his daughter, Waterloo Police arrested him for possession of a firearm. But the "firearm" turned out to be a plastic toy gun that shoots foam darts. That, however, did not stop authorities from strip-searching Sansone. Meanwhile, the couple's infant daughter was taken from them and handed to a social worker as Sansone's pregnant wife waited for over two hours, wondering where her children were.
- Arrested for drawing a TOY Gun

When Sansone arrived to pick up his daughter, Waterloo Police arrested him for possession of a firearm. But the "firearm" turned out to be a plastic toy gun that shoots foam darts. That, however, did not stop authorities from strip-searching Sansone. Meanwhile, the couple's infant daughter was taken from them and handed to a social worker as Sansone's pregnant wife waited for over two hours, wondering where her children were.
As it turns out, all of the couple's four children had been at Family and Children's Services, being interviewed by social workers, the Sun reported."So, my wife was really panicking at that point," Sansone said. "So her and the detective drove down to children's services. They questioned each of my children." The actually questioned each of Sansone's children, I do not know the intentions of Mr, Sansone, however, I do not think that he will have a difficult time employing an attorney.
All I can say about this is, open your check book, this is going to cost you big bucks, this is a career maker case for some lucky law firm.....I hope Sansone recovers some big bucks....he deserves it. c an you imagine being stripped searched on the basis of your daughter drawing a toy gun!! That is completely insane......
I'll leave it at there for the moment, and lets wait for round number 2.