Israel's 'Iran-Buster' Drone In Test Flight Crash

- Israel Getting Ready To Get Serious
(Mirror) Israel suffered a major blow to its military plans against Iran yesterday after one of its hi-tech spy drones crashed. The long-range Heron TP smashed to the ground during secret tests to prepare for a possible strike. Sources revealed the remote-controlled aircraft – dubbed the Iran Buster hit problems after being fitted with new navigation kit.
It is Irael’s most advanced drone and part of an elite squadron of unmanned planes that was set to be operational in weeks. But the crash has now delayed their launch indefinitely while military experts investigate the cause.
A security source in Jerusalem said: “The crash is of course a blow to the Israeli Air Force, which would obviously play a leading role in any military action against Iran – should current sanctions against Iran be unsuccessful in stopping its attempts to develop a nuclear weapon.
“The Heron is widely known as a drone that can easily reach Iran, hopefully remain unseen while performing an operation and then return to Israel to refuel.” The aircraft, which would allow Jerusalem to launch an attack without risking the lives of air force pilots, crashed near the Tel Nof air base close to Tel Aviv.
Israel has in recent years increased its use of drones above Lebanon, the Egyptian border and the Gaza strip. The Heron TP is capable of carrying an extra 1,000lb – so it could take missiles or two devastating 500lb bombs for precision strikes against Iran’s nuclear sites or the scientists involved in developing them. It has the wingspan of a Boeing 737.
Israel is believed to have stepped up covert operations in Iran using dissidents trained as hitmen to assassinate key nuclear scientists. Five Iranian atomic experts have been assassinated by suspected agents trained by Israeli spies from Mossad, the most ruthless foreign espionage agency in the world. Read more:Israel is serious about its National Security; they have to be, being surrounded by Nations that want to eliminate Israel off the face of the planet. With Obama basically turning his back on Israel, they have no options but to defend herself from living in the middle of an explosive Cauldron that could erupt at any time. So if for nothing else, this should be one of the main bullet points in booting this fraud out of office.
I am sick and tired of seeing our jobs being sent to China. China is raping this Country and Obama is the leader if the gang. All by himself he has allowed between 20 to 25 thousand jobs pack up and head off to China. So the countdown has started, we are 279 days 21 hours 17 minutes and 59 seconds and counting to 6 November. I can't wait to cast my ballot to oust this fraud from the office he has not been entitled to hold in the first place.
It is up to "We The people, and 6 November 2012 is the time...please vote. This election may be the most important election in the history of this nation.